Xen Test Framework
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 Cdesc_ptr32Protected mode lgdt/lidt table pointer
 Cdesc_ptr64Long mode lgdt/lidt table pointer
 Cextable_entryException table entry
 Cfar_ptr32Protected mode lcall/ljmp memory operand
 Cfar_ptr64Long mode lcall/ljmp memory operand
 Cseg_desc328 byte user segment descriptor (GDT/LDT entries with .s = 1)
 Cx86_gate328-byte gate - Protected mode IDT entry, GDT task/call gate
 Cx86_gate6416-byte gate - Long mode IDT entry, GDT call gate
 Cxtf_idteA guest agnostic represention of IDT information