.. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 Domain Creation And Runtime =========================== Emulated Timer -------------- `XenProd~arm64_emulated_timer~1` Description: Xen shall grant access to "Arm Generic Timer" for the domains. Rationale: Comments: Covers: - `XenMkt~run_arm64_domains~1` - `XenMkt~provide_timer_domains~1` Needs: - XenSwdgn Emulated UART ------------- `XenProd~arm64_emulated_uart~1` Description: Xen shall provide an "Arm SBSA UART" compliant device to the domains. Rationale: Comments: Covers: - `XenMkt~run_arm64_domains~1` - `XenMkt~provide_console_domains~1` Needs: - XenSwdgn Linux kernel image ------------------ `XenProd~arm64_linux_kernel_image~1` Description: Xen shall create a domain with a binary containing header compliant with Arm64 Linux kernel image [1]. Rationale: Comments: Covers: - `XenMkt~run_arm64_domains~1` Needs: - XenSwdgn Gzip Linux kernel image ----------------------- `XenProd~arm64_linux_kernel_gzip_image~1` Description: Xen shall create a domain with a Gzip compressed binary containing header compliant with Arm64 Linux kernel image [1]. Rationale: Comments: Covers: - `XenMkt~run_arm64_domains~1` Needs: - XenSwdgn Kernel with uImage header ------------------------- `XenProd~arm64_kernel_uimage~1` Description: Xen shall create a domain with a binary containing uImage header [2]. Rationale: Comments: Covers: - `XenMkt~run_arm64_domains~1` Needs: - XenSwdgn Gzip kernel with uImage header ------------------------------ `XenProd~arm64_gzip_kernel_uimage~1` Description: Xen shall create a domain with a Gzip compressed binary containing uImage header [2]. Rationale: Comments: Covers: - `XenMkt~run_arm64_domains~1` Needs: - XenSwdgn SPIs ---- `XenProd~arm64_spis~1` Description: Xen shall assign hardware shared peripheral interrupts specified in the device tree to a domain. Rationale: Comments: Device tree is a data structure and language for describing hardware which is readable by an operating system [3]. A shared peripheral interrupt is a peripheral interrupt that the Arm Generic Interrupt Controller's Distributor interface can route to any combination of processors [4]. Covers: - `XenMkt~run_arm64_domains~1` - `XenMkt~static_vm_definition~1` Needs: - XenSwdgn Virtual PL011 ------------- `XenProd~arm64_virtual_pl011~1` Description: Xen shall provide an "Arm PL011 UART" compliant device to the domains. Rationale: Comments: Covers: - `XenMkt~run_arm64_domains~1` - `XenMkt~provide_console_domains~1` Needs: - XenSwdgn | [1] https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/Documentation/arch/arm64/booting.rst | [2] https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot/-/blob/master/include/image.h#L315 | [3] https://docs.kernel.org/devicetree/usage-model.html | [4] https://developer.arm.com/documentation/ihi0048/a/Introduction/Terminology/Interrupt-types?lang=en