Xen custom %p format options. A subset, borrowed from Linux. All parameters to a %p option should be compatible with void*. Regular pointers are fine. Numbers should make use of the _p() macro. Raw buffer as hex string: %*ph 00 01 02 ... 3f %*phC 00:01:02: ... :3f %*phD 00-01-02- ... -3f %*phN 000102 ... 3f Up to 64 characters. Buffer length expected via the field_width parameter. i.e. printk("%*ph", 8, buffer); Bitmaps (e.g. cpumask/nodemask): %*pb 4321 %*pbl 0,5,8-9,14 Print a bitmap as either a hex string, or a range list. Bitmap length (in bits) expected via the field_width parameter. Symbol/Function pointers: %ps Symbol name with condition offset and size (iff offset != 0) e.g. printk default_idle+0x78/0x7d %pS Symbol name with unconditional offset and size e.g. printk+0/0x48 default_idle+0x78/0x7d In the case that an appropriate symbol name can't be found, %p[sS] will fall back to '%p' and print the address in hex. Domain and vCPU information: %pd Domain from a 'struct domain *' Regular domains are printed with their ID in decimal. System domains are printed with their name. e.g. d0 d[IDLE] %pv Domain and vCPU ID from a 'struct vcpu *' The domain part as above, with the vcpu_id printed in decimal. e.g. d0v1 d[IDLE]v0 PCI: %pp PCI device address in S:B:D.F format from a pci_sbdf_t. e.g. 0004:02:00.0