Xen Test Framework
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 apic.hx86 Local APIC register definitions and utility functions
 asm_macros.hMacros for use in x86 assembly files
 bitops.hLow level bit operations
 config.hLogic to split an environment into finer-grain #define's
 decode.hHelper routines for decoding x86 state
 desc.hx86 segment descriptor infrastructure
 exinfo.hAn encapsulation of an x86 exception with error code
 extable.hCommon x86 exception table helper functions
 hpet.hx86 HPET register definitions and utility functions
 idt.hx86 IDT vector infrastructure
 io-apic.hx86 IO-APIC register definitions and utility functions
 link.lds.hX86 details for the linker file
 msr.hModel Specific Register mnemonics and bit definitions
 page-pae.hDefinitions and helpers for PAE pagetable handling
 page-pse.hDefinitions and helpers for PSE pagetable handling
 symbolic-const.hMacros for creating constants using mnemonics
 test.hx86 API for tests
 tsx.hx86 TSX intrinsics, compatible with the GCC API
 vmx.hHelpers for VT-x
 x86-dbg-reg.hx86 Debug Register Infrastructure
 x86-gate.hx86 Gate Descriptor infrastructure
 x86-tss.hx86 Task State Segment infrastructure
 x86-vmx.hVT-x hardware ABI, as specified in the Intel SDM
 apic.cBasic x86 APIC driver
 decode.cHelper routines for decoding x86 architectural state
 extable.cCommon x86 exception table helper functions
 grant_table.cx86 specific bits of Grant Table handling
 hpet.cBasic x86 HPET driver
 io-apic.cBasic x86 IO-APIC driver
 msr.cLibrary logic for MSRs
 vmx.cHelpers for VT-x
 x86-tss.cx86 Task State Segment helper routines
 extable.cException table support
 grant_table.cA driver for the Xen Grant Table interface
 setup.cC entry point
 asm_macros.hMacros for use in assembly files
 bitops.hLow level bit operations
 extable.hException table support
 framework.hInterfaces used by common code, needing to be implemented by arch/environment specific code
 grant_table.hA driver for the Xen Grant Table interface
 macro_magic.hVaradic macro helpers - Here be many dragons
 numbers.hPrimatives for number manipulation
 report.hAPI for reporting test status
 test.hAPI for tests
 types.hCommon declarations for all tests
 xenstore.hXenstore driver
 inttypes.hLocal subset of C's inttypes.h
 limits.hLocal subset of C's limits.h
 stdarg.hLocal subset of C's stdarg.h
 stdbool.hLocal subset of C's stdbool.h
 stddef.hLocal subset of C's stddef.h
 stdint.hLocal subset of C's stdint.h
 xtf.hConvenience header for tests
 main.cCPUID Faulting support
 main.cDebug register and control tests
 main.cExample - Hello World testcase
 main.cFPU Exception Emulation - Emulation of FPU exceptions
 main.cInvlpg Handling invlpg instruction handling
 main.cLBR/TSX VMentry failure
 main.cLive Patch Privilege Check
 main.cLong Mode #TS exception
 main.cMemory operand and segment emulation
 main.cNested SVM
 main.cNested VT-x
 main.cNMI Taskswitch with increasing privilege
 main.cPV FSGSBASE behaviour
 main.cPV IOPL Emulation - PV IOPL Emulation
 main.cSelftest - Sanity tests for the XTF environment
 lowlevel.hDeclarations of stubs and labels in generated in lowlevel.S
 main.cSoftware Interrupt Emulation - Emulation of software interrupts
 main.cUser-Mode Instruction Prevention
 main.cCONSOLEIO_write stack overflow