/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
 * Guest OS interface to RISC-V Xen.
 * Initially based on the ARM implementation.


#if defined(__XEN__) || defined(__XEN_TOOLS__) || defined(__GNUC__)
#define  int64_aligned_t  int64_t __attribute__((__aligned__(8)))
#define uint64_aligned_t uint64_t __attribute__((__aligned__(8)))

#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
#define ___DEFINE_XEN_GUEST_HANDLE(name, type)                  \
    typedef union { type *p; unsigned long q; }                 \
        __guest_handle_ ## name;                                \
    typedef union { type *p; uint64_aligned_t q; }              \
        __guest_handle_64_ ## name

 * XEN_GUEST_HANDLE represents a guest pointer, when passed as a field
 * in a struct in memory. On RISCV is always 8 bytes sizes and 8 bytes
 * aligned.
 * XEN_GUEST_HANDLE_PARAM represents a guest pointer, when passed as an
 * hypercall argument. It is 4 bytes on riscv32 and 8 bytes on riscv64.
#define __DEFINE_XEN_GUEST_HANDLE(name, type) \
    ___DEFINE_XEN_GUEST_HANDLE(name, type);   \
    ___DEFINE_XEN_GUEST_HANDLE(const_##name, const type)
#define __XEN_GUEST_HANDLE(name)        __guest_handle_64_ ## name
#define XEN_GUEST_HANDLE(name)          __XEN_GUEST_HANDLE(name)
#define XEN_GUEST_HANDLE_PARAM(name)    __guest_handle_ ## name
#define set_xen_guest_handle_raw(hnd, val)                  \
    do {                                                    \
        typeof(&(hnd)) sxghr_tmp_ = &(hnd);                 \
        sxghr_tmp_->q = 0;                                  \
        sxghr_tmp_->p = (val);                              \
    } while ( 0 )
#define set_xen_guest_handle(hnd, val) set_xen_guest_handle_raw(hnd, val)

typedef uint64_t xen_pfn_t;
#define PRI_xen_pfn PRIx64
#define PRIu_xen_pfn PRIu64

typedef uint64_t xen_ulong_t;
#define PRI_xen_ulong PRIx64

#if defined(__XEN__) || defined(__XEN_TOOLS__)

struct vcpu_guest_context {
typedef struct vcpu_guest_context vcpu_guest_context_t;

struct xen_arch_domainconfig {


/* TODO:  add a placeholder entry if no real ones surface */
struct arch_vcpu_info {
typedef struct arch_vcpu_info arch_vcpu_info_t;

/* TODO:  add a placeholder entry if no real ones surface */
struct arch_shared_info {
typedef struct arch_shared_info arch_shared_info_t;

 * Maximum number of virtual CPUs in legacy multi-processor guests.
 * Only one. All other VCPUS must use VCPUOP_register_vcpu_info.

/* Stub definition of PMU structure */
typedef struct xen_pmu_arch { uint8_t dummy; } xen_pmu_arch_t;

#endif /*  __XEN_PUBLIC_ARCH_RISCV_H__ */

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